Responsive website redesign for scientific knowledge and publishing support network INASP
A website redesign – consolidating several sites
The old website for INASP was full of excellent resources, including many publications and training course outlines – but they were difficult to find. The site as a whole was difficult to navigate. So INASP wanted a new website that would allow its key users to find the information they needed. They also wanted their website redesign to work well for the increasing numbers of mobile devices that were accessing their site. There was a separate site where academic institutions (such as universities) could save their details and use them to register for the various resources provided by academic publishers in their country – the Subscribed Resources Registration System. This site had been built 10 years ago. At this point, the site was ossifying as it was very hard to update and improve. The decision was made to completely replace it. I was brought in as UX designer. View INASP website.
The website redesign kicked off with two days of discovery of the key user personas for the site, the most important user journeys and the cross-cutting priorities for the site. From this, we produced the core sitemap and key areas of functionality. Work progressed in a series of iterations with the results being deployed to the dev and staging servers at least once per iteration. Visit INASP website.

The old website

Key user personas

Wireframe for new homepage – desktop and mobile

The new homepage

country page – before

Country page – wireframe

Country page – after